Cone Man Running Productions presents the world premiere of Surviving the Night, which takes on a genre not normally seen onstage - horror.
Ben, an aspiring filmmaker, is meeting his girlfriend Sydney’s parents for the first time just before Christmas. He’s on edge right from the beginning, but if he only knew that wouldn’t be scariest part of the evening. Providing moral support and encouragement is sister Michelle and her girlfriend Joy and neighbor Charlie. None of that will be enough to stop Ben’s world from crashing down and mirroring events from his favorite films.
Cone Man Running Productions presents the world premiere of Surviving the Night, which takes on a genre not normally seen onstage - horror.
Ben, an aspiring filmmaker, is meeting his girlfriend Sydney’s parents for the first time just before Christmas. He’s on edge right from the beginning, but if he only knew that wouldn’t be scariest part of the evening. Providing moral support and encouragement is sister Michelle and her girlfriend Joy and neighbor Charlie. None of that will be enough to stop Ben’s world from crashing down and mirroring events from his favorite films.