Crumbs is a reimagining of the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale that concerns two sisters as they grapple with their journey into adulthood. Mixed with musings on childhood innocence, personal loss and the inscrutability of memory, Crumbs considers how the past continually informs the present. But as Hannah and Greta run away, get lost, and meet their witch, can they resist the familiar story - the awkward legacy that casts them as justified murderers - and find their own path forward?
This play is a world premiere and has an all-female cast of local Houston artists.
Crumbs is a reimagining of the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale that concerns two sisters as they grapple with their journey into adulthood. Mixed with musings on childhood innocence, personal loss and the inscrutability of memory, Crumbs considers how the past continually informs the present. But as Hannah and Greta run away, get lost, and meet their witch, can they resist the familiar story - the awkward legacy that casts them as justified murderers - and find their own path forward?
This play is a world premiere and has an all-female cast of local Houston artists.
Crumbs is a reimagining of the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale that concerns two sisters as they grapple with their journey into adulthood. Mixed with musings on childhood innocence, personal loss and the inscrutability of memory, Crumbs considers how the past continually informs the present. But as Hannah and Greta run away, get lost, and meet their witch, can they resist the familiar story - the awkward legacy that casts them as justified murderers - and find their own path forward?
This play is a world premiere and has an all-female cast of local Houston artists.