The Drowsy Chaperone revolves around one musical theater fan’s obsession with a fictional 1928 musical comedy and is a unique combination of the past and present that celebrates musical theater.
When a die-hard musical theater fan plays his favorite cast album, the musical magically bursts to life. We are immersed in the hilarious tale of a glamorous bride and her uproarious wedding day, complete with thrills and surprises that take both the cast (literally) and the audience (metaphorically) soaring into the heavens.
The Drowsy Chaperone revolves around one musical theater fan’s obsession with a fictional 1928 musical comedy and is a unique combination of the past and present that celebrates musical theater.
When a die-hard musical theater fan plays his favorite cast album, the musical magically bursts to life. We are immersed in the hilarious tale of a glamorous bride and her uproarious wedding day, complete with thrills and surprises that take both the cast (literally) and the audience (metaphorically) soaring into the heavens.
The Drowsy Chaperone revolves around one musical theater fan’s obsession with a fictional 1928 musical comedy and is a unique combination of the past and present that celebrates musical theater.
When a die-hard musical theater fan plays his favorite cast album, the musical magically bursts to life. We are immersed in the hilarious tale of a glamorous bride and her uproarious wedding day, complete with thrills and surprises that take both the cast (literally) and the audience (metaphorically) soaring into the heavens.