Tre Maison Dasan is a nationally acclaimed documentary that follows three boys who each have an incarcerated parent. Told completely through the children's perspective, Tre Maison Dasan was called “Potent, sometimes wrenchingly intimate” by Variety Magazine.
Following the viewing, there will be a discussion of the challenges facing the estimated 125,000 Houston children who have had one or more parents in prison.
Tre Maison Dasan is a nationally acclaimed documentary that follows three boys who each have an incarcerated parent. Told completely through the children's perspective, Tre Maison Dasan was called “Potent, sometimes wrenchingly intimate” by Variety Magazine.
Following the viewing, there will be a discussion of the challenges facing the estimated 125,000 Houston children who have had one or more parents in prison.
Tre Maison Dasan is a nationally acclaimed documentary that follows three boys who each have an incarcerated parent. Told completely through the children's perspective, Tre Maison Dasan was called “Potent, sometimes wrenchingly intimate” by Variety Magazine.
Following the viewing, there will be a discussion of the challenges facing the estimated 125,000 Houston children who have had one or more parents in prison.