Actress, writer, and comedian Celeste Barber, known as the "Australian Queen of Comedy," comes to Dallas as part of her Backup Dancer Tour. Barber's original celebrity parody Instagram account has attracted over 9.5 million followers, including Reese Witherspoon, Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler, Cindy Crawford, and Tom Ford, whom she collaborated with in 2018 on his Boys and Girls beauty campaign. She won the "Funniest Lady on Instagram" Award 2017 on, a digital platform co-founded by actor, director, and producer Elizabeth Banks, showcasing women in comedy worldwide.
Actress, writer, and comedian Celeste Barber, known as the "Australian Queen of Comedy," comes to Dallas as part of her Backup Dancer Tour. Barber's original celebrity parody Instagram account has attracted over 9.5 million followers, including Reese Witherspoon, Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler, Cindy Crawford, and Tom Ford, whom she collaborated with in 2018 on his Boys and Girls beauty campaign. She won the "Funniest Lady on Instagram" Award 2017 on, a digital platform co-founded by actor, director, and producer Elizabeth Banks, showcasing women in comedy worldwide.
$54 and up.