The 23rd installment of the Tamarie Cooper Show, a series of original musicals that usually takes place in the summer, will be a virtual holiday extravaganza.
Christmas is truly Tamarie's favorite time of year. Sure, she's Jewish. And not particularly religious. But her tree is always one of the prettiest in the neighborhood and she weeps uncontrollably every time she watches It's a Wonderful Life. Mixed in with the satire, Santas, and musical numbers is a big heap of heartwarming fun. It's Christmas y'all, and Tamarie's no Grinch.
The production is available to view at any time between December 18 and January 31.
The 23rd installment of the Tamarie Cooper Show, a series of original musicals that usually takes place in the summer, will be a virtual holiday extravaganza.
Christmas is truly Tamarie's favorite time of year. Sure, she's Jewish. And not particularly religious. But her tree is always one of the prettiest in the neighborhood and she weeps uncontrollably every time she watches It's a Wonderful Life. Mixed in with the satire, Santas, and musical numbers is a big heap of heartwarming fun. It's Christmas y'all, and Tamarie's no Grinch.
The production is available to view at any time between December 18 and January 31.
The 23rd installment of the Tamarie Cooper Show, a series of original musicals that usually takes place in the summer, will be a virtual holiday extravaganza.
Christmas is truly Tamarie's favorite time of year. Sure, she's Jewish. And not particularly religious. But her tree is always one of the prettiest in the neighborhood and she weeps uncontrollably every time she watches It's a Wonderful Life. Mixed in with the satire, Santas, and musical numbers is a big heap of heartwarming fun. It's Christmas y'all, and Tamarie's no Grinch.
The production is available to view at any time between December 18 and January 31.