Robert O’Hara’s semi-autobiographical and wildly subversive comedy tells the story of Sutter, a young gay black man on an outrageous odyssey through his childhood home, his church, dive bars, motel rooms, and his grandmother’s nursing home. At times poignant, shocking, hilarious, and wise, Bootycandy is a kaleidoscope of scenes, sermons, sketches, and daring meta-theatrics.
Robert O’Hara’s semi-autobiographical and wildly subversive comedy tells the story of Sutter, a young gay black man on an outrageous odyssey through his childhood home, his church, dive bars, motel rooms, and his grandmother’s nursing home. At times poignant, shocking, hilarious, and wise, Bootycandy is a kaleidoscope of scenes, sermons, sketches, and daring meta-theatrics.
Robert O’Hara’s semi-autobiographical and wildly subversive comedy tells the story of Sutter, a young gay black man on an outrageous odyssey through his childhood home, his church, dive bars, motel rooms, and his grandmother’s nursing home. At times poignant, shocking, hilarious, and wise, Bootycandy is a kaleidoscope of scenes, sermons, sketches, and daring meta-theatrics.