Toast takes audiences on a raucous and mind-bending journey through Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell. This original, collectively-realized work brings together eight members of Catastrophic’s acting company with groundbreaking director Brian Jucha, a key collaborator of Catastrophic’s predecessor company, Infernal Bridegroom Productions.
Toast completes a trilogy that started with 1997’s Last Rites and 2002’s We Have Some Planes, two legendary Infernal Bridegroom productions, the latter of which landed Jucha and the company on the cover of American Theatre magazine.
Toast takes audiences on a raucous and mind-bending journey through Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell. This original, collectively-realized work brings together eight members of Catastrophic’s acting company with groundbreaking director Brian Jucha, a key collaborator of Catastrophic’s predecessor company, Infernal Bridegroom Productions.
Toast completes a trilogy that started with 1997’s Last Rites and 2002’s We Have Some Planes, two legendary Infernal Bridegroom productions, the latter of which landed Jucha and the company on the cover of American Theatre magazine.
Toast takes audiences on a raucous and mind-bending journey through Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell. This original, collectively-realized work brings together eight members of Catastrophic’s acting company with groundbreaking director Brian Jucha, a key collaborator of Catastrophic’s predecessor company, Infernal Bridegroom Productions.
Toast completes a trilogy that started with 1997’s Last Rites and 2002’s We Have Some Planes, two legendary Infernal Bridegroom productions, the latter of which landed Jucha and the company on the cover of American Theatre magazine.