The Drama Squad will perform for larger audiences while continuing to implement the same safety measures as before. Audiences will experience a variety show consisting of original pieces created by Catastrophic artists, including music, dance, comedy, drama, puppetry, and a really twisted clown.
Creators and performers are Afsaneh Aayani, Tamarie Cooper, Greg Dean, Joe Folladori, Bryan Kaplún, Scott Lupton, Mara McGhee, Patrick Reynolds, Erin Rodgers, Alli Villines, and Abraham Zeus Zapata.
Performances will be held every Friday and Saturday on the rooftop of Khon’s Wine Darts Art and every Sunday at at Smither Park. There will socially distanced outdoor seating and masks are required.
The Drama Squad will perform for larger audiences while continuing to implement the same safety measures as before. Audiences will experience a variety show consisting of original pieces created by Catastrophic artists, including music, dance, comedy, drama, puppetry, and a really twisted clown.
Creators and performers are Afsaneh Aayani, Tamarie Cooper, Greg Dean, Joe Folladori, Bryan Kaplún, Scott Lupton, Mara McGhee, Patrick Reynolds, Erin Rodgers, Alli Villines, and Abraham Zeus Zapata.
Performances will be held every Friday and Saturday on the rooftop of Khon’s Wine Darts Art and every Sunday at at Smither Park. There will socially distanced outdoor seating and masks are required.
The Drama Squad will perform for larger audiences while continuing to implement the same safety measures as before. Audiences will experience a variety show consisting of original pieces created by Catastrophic artists, including music, dance, comedy, drama, puppetry, and a really twisted clown.
Creators and performers are Afsaneh Aayani, Tamarie Cooper, Greg Dean, Joe Folladori, Bryan Kaplún, Scott Lupton, Mara McGhee, Patrick Reynolds, Erin Rodgers, Alli Villines, and Abraham Zeus Zapata.
Performances will be held every Friday and Saturday on the rooftop of Khon’s Wine Darts Art and every Sunday at at Smither Park. There will socially distanced outdoor seating and masks are required.