Porcelain is an examination of a young man’s crime of passion. Triply scorned—as an Asian, a homosexual, and now a murderer—nineteen-year-old John Lee has confessed to shooting his lover in a public lavatory in London. A winner of the London Fringe Award for Best Play, Porcelain dissects the crime through a prism of conflicting voices: newscasts, flashbacks, and John’s own recollections to a prison psychiatrist.
Porcelain is an examination of a young man’s crime of passion. Triply scorned—as an Asian, a homosexual, and now a murderer—nineteen-year-old John Lee has confessed to shooting his lover in a public lavatory in London. A winner of the London Fringe Award for Best Play, Porcelain dissects the crime through a prism of conflicting voices: newscasts, flashbacks, and John’s own recollections to a prison psychiatrist.
Porcelain is an examination of a young man’s crime of passion. Triply scorned—as an Asian, a homosexual, and now a murderer—nineteen-year-old John Lee has confessed to shooting his lover in a public lavatory in London. A winner of the London Fringe Award for Best Play, Porcelain dissects the crime through a prism of conflicting voices: newscasts, flashbacks, and John’s own recollections to a prison psychiatrist.