Brazos Bookstore presents Alex Temblador: Secrets of the Casa Rosada

Photo by Shelbie Monkres

Alex Temblador will be reading from her debut novel, Secrets of the Casa Rosada, which was published by Houston-based publisher, Arte Publico Press. Secrets of the Casa Rosada follows 16-year-old Martha as she tries to unravel the secrets of her newly found family in Laredo while sidestepping a school bully and being thrown into a new world of curanderismo.

Temblador will also sign copies of her book.

Alex Temblador will be reading from her debut novel, Secrets of the Casa Rosada,which was published by Houston-based publisher, Arte Publico Press. Secrets of the Casa Rosada follows 16-year-old Martha as she tries to unravel the secrets of her newly found family in Laredo while sidestepping a school bully and being thrown into a new world of curanderismo.

Temblador will also sign copies of her book.

Alex Temblador will be reading from her debut novel, Secrets of the Casa Rosada,which was published by Houston-based publisher, Arte Publico Press. Secrets of the Casa Rosada follows 16-year-old Martha as she tries to unravel the secrets of her newly found family in Laredo while sidestepping a school bully and being thrown into a new world of curanderismo.

Temblador will also sign copies of her book.



Brazos Bookstore
2421 Bissonnet St.
Houston, TX 77005


Admission is free.
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