"Scratch and Sniff" is an ongoing series of interactive print works by Katherine Rhodes Fields.
"Scratch and Sniff" follow a direction Fields started with her series "Finger-Lickin’ Good," in which she used chicken fat as a print medium. The chicken fat resulted in transparency in the paper allowing the viewer to see the images (1970’s nude centerfold) printed on the other side. The chicken fat, once recognized, resulted in many viewers’ approach to the work with not just their eyes but their nose as well.
From these observations, Fields generated the ideas for "Scratch and Sniff," which would intensify the moment of synesthesia, the stimulation of one sense that leads to a reflexive experience with or stimulation of a second sense, for the viewers.
Following the opening day, the exhibit will be on display through October 2.
"Scratch and Sniff" is an ongoing series of interactive print works by Katherine Rhodes Fields.
"Scratch and Sniff" follow a direction Fields started with her series "Finger-Lickin’ Good," in which she used chicken fat as a print medium. The chicken fat resulted in transparency in the paper allowing the viewer to see the images (1970’s nude centerfold) printed on the other side. The chicken fat, once recognized, resulted in many viewers’ approach to the work with not just their eyes but their nose as well.
From these observations, Fields generated the ideas for "Scratch and Sniff," which would intensify the moment of synesthesia, the stimulation of one sense that leads to a reflexive experience with or stimulation of a second sense, for the viewers.
Following the opening day, the exhibit will be on display through October 2.
"Scratch and Sniff" is an ongoing series of interactive print works by Katherine Rhodes Fields.
"Scratch and Sniff" follow a direction Fields started with her series "Finger-Lickin’ Good," in which she used chicken fat as a print medium. The chicken fat resulted in transparency in the paper allowing the viewer to see the images (1970’s nude centerfold) printed on the other side. The chicken fat, once recognized, resulted in many viewers’ approach to the work with not just their eyes but their nose as well.
From these observations, Fields generated the ideas for "Scratch and Sniff," which would intensify the moment of synesthesia, the stimulation of one sense that leads to a reflexive experience with or stimulation of a second sense, for the viewers.
Following the opening day, the exhibit will be on display through October 2.