BOX 13 ArtSpace opening reception: No Fart No Bliss, Church of Man Love, Factor.field and Integrated Pattern

BOX 13 ArtSpace

Box 13 ArtSpace opens four exhibitions. In the Downstairs Front BOX, Sara Schultz curates No Fart No Bliss, a group exhibition that will offer viewers participatory and non-participatory works that considers the slow, paused and patient as a way to transfer information. In the Downstairs Back BOX, Mark Ponder curates Church of Man Love, a group exhibition that is borne from the desire for growth through the stimulation of sexual experience and merges psychological energies with sexual provocation to explore tastes, humor, values, pride and excitement.

In the Upstairs BOX, Colleen Ludwig addresses the ecosystem as a connection between humans and its other inhabitants through the use of sound and touch with Factor.field. In the Window BOX Diana Baumbauch's presents a body of work that serves as the final product of integrating meditative processes into daily life.

The exhibitions continue through June 21.



BOX 13 ArtSpace
6700 Harrisburg Blvd.
Houston, TX 77011


Admission is free.
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