River Oaks Bookstore will host a signing/reading by local authors Ray Scippa and André Erwin.
In his first career, as an archaeologist and anthropologist, Scippa lived and worked in Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Mexico, specializing in photography, writing and publishing. He currently serves as director of internal communications at ConocoPhillips. The book, Belize da Speak: An Oral History of Independence, is a collection of interviews that depict the thoughts, emotions and hopes of Belizeans during the time of its independence from Great Britain.
Born in Castries, St. Lucia, Edwin spent his formative years on St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. During his career he worked as a reporter and senior public relations officer for the governor the U.S. Virgin Islands. In Fait Accompli, Zachary Thoreau, governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, signs a warrant for the execution of a murderer. But as the date draws nearer, he realizes he has an intricate connection to the criminal.