"The Trouble with Toys" presents work of six Houston artists: Becki Van Compernolle, Charlotte Cosgrove, Jill Dietrich, Edward Lane McCartney, Suzette Mouchaty and Deasa Turner. Through assemblage, these artists use toys as a medium to express ideas that range from slightly uncomfortable to the macabre, and from merely absurd to nothing short of hilarious.
The show opens on November 9 with an artist reception and will be on view for three consecutive Saturdays, November 10, 17, and 24.
"The Trouble with Toys" presents work of six Houston artists: Becki Van Compernolle, Charlotte Cosgrove, Jill Dietrich, Edward Lane McCartney, Suzette Mouchaty and Deasa Turner. Through assemblage, these artists use toys as a medium to express ideas that range from slightly uncomfortable to the macabre, and from merely absurd to nothing short of hilarious.
The show opens on November 9 with an artist reception and will be on view for three consecutive Saturdays, November 10, 17, and 24.
"The Trouble with Toys" presents work of six Houston artists: Becki Van Compernolle, Charlotte Cosgrove, Jill Dietrich, Edward Lane McCartney, Suzette Mouchaty and Deasa Turner. Through assemblage, these artists use toys as a medium to express ideas that range from slightly uncomfortable to the macabre, and from merely absurd to nothing short of hilarious.
The show opens on November 9 with an artist reception and will be on view for three consecutive Saturdays, November 10, 17, and 24.