The Twelve Dates of Christmas, a one-woman comedy written and performed by Ginna Hoben, premiered at the American Shakespeare Center in 2010. The plot of the show is derived from two distinct times in Hoben’s life: Shortly after she experienced a breakup and felt like everyone was trying to set her up with a new "Mr. Right," and also when she made a promise to herself that she would go out with any guy who asked her on a date.
The Twelve Dates of Christmas, a one-woman comedy written and performed by Ginna Hoben, premiered at the American Shakespeare Center in 2010. The plot of the show is derived from two distinct times in Hoben’s life: Shortly after she experienced a breakup and felt like everyone was trying to set her up with a new "Mr. Right," and also when she made a promise to herself that she would go out with any guy who asked her on a date.
The Twelve Dates of Christmas, a one-woman comedy written and performed by Ginna Hoben, premiered at the American Shakespeare Center in 2010. The plot of the show is derived from two distinct times in Hoben’s life: Shortly after she experienced a breakup and felt like everyone was trying to set her up with a new "Mr. Right," and also when she made a promise to herself that she would go out with any guy who asked her on a date.