Dog Sees God: Confessions Of A Teenage Blockhead, by Bert V. Royal, is an “unauthorized” parody revolving around the iconic comic strip characters created by Charles M. Schultz. The play is a satire that's focused on the “Peanuts” gang and their adolescent struggles. This dark yet humorous material will feature a world of disorders, depression, substance abuse, and questions of sexual identity.
Dog Sees God: Confessions Of A Teenage Blockhead, by Bert V. Royal, is an “unauthorized” parody revolving around the iconic comic strip characters created by Charles M. Schultz. The play is a satire that's focused on the “Peanuts” gang and their adolescent struggles. This dark yet humorous material will feature a world of disorders, depression, substance abuse, and questions of sexual identity.
Dog Sees God: Confessions Of A Teenage Blockhead, by Bert V. Royal, is an “unauthorized” parody revolving around the iconic comic strip characters created by Charles M. Schultz. The play is a satire that's focused on the “Peanuts” gang and their adolescent struggles. This dark yet humorous material will feature a world of disorders, depression, substance abuse, and questions of sexual identity.