Houston Walk Now for Autism Speaks

Photo courtesy of Autism Speaks

The Texas Chapter of Autism Speaks will hold the 2015 Houston Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Proceeds benefit Autism Speaks’ work, both locally and nationally, to increase awareness of autism, fund research and family services, and expand advocacy on behalf of people with autism in Houston and beyond.

The Houston event will include a ½ mile walk and a community resource fair, providing families with “one-stop shopping” for educational options, therapists, recreational programs, child-friendly activities, and other vital services. 

The Texas Chapter of Autism Speaks will hold the 2015 Houston Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Proceeds benefit Autism Speaks’ work, both locally and nationally, to increase awareness of autism, fund research and family services, and expand advocacy on behalf of people with autism in Houston and beyond.

The Houston event will include a ½ mile walk and a community resource fair, providing families with “one-stop shopping” for educational options, therapists, recreational programs, child-friendly activities, and other vital services.

The Texas Chapter of Autism Speaks will hold the 2015 Houston Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Proceeds benefit Autism Speaks’ work, both locally and nationally, to increase awareness of autism, fund research and family services, and expand advocacy on behalf of people with autism in Houston and beyond.

The Houston event will include a ½ mile walk and a community resource fair, providing families with “one-stop shopping” for educational options, therapists, recreational programs, child-friendly activities, and other vital services.



Minute Maid Park
501 Crawford St.
Houston, TX 77002


All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.
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