VS vs Fredericks Lingerie Contest/Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/Annual-VS-vs-Fredericks-Lingerie-Contest-342354269283170/] AURA's Victoria Secret vs Fredericks Fashion Show & Contest is running on its 8th year. This event is a lingerie contest with cash and other prizes. AURA's Victoria Secret vs Fredericks Fashion Show & Contest is running on its 8th year. This event is a lingerie contest with cash and other prizes.
AURA's Victoria Secret vs Fredericks Fashion Show & Contest is running on its 8th year. This event is a lingerie contest with cash and other prizes.
AURA Nightclub4701 Nett St.Houston, TX 77007https://www.eventbrite.com/e/8th-annual-vs-vs-fredericks-lingerie-contest-aura-tickets-41802854463