Association Manifeste presents Point of View on the Street Corner: The American Corner

Courtesy photo

Point of View on the Street Corner: The American Corner is a dance created by Association Manifeste that layers choreography of street corners from Toulouse and Houston. This dance that features Salle and Vargas of Manifeste plus Anna Bracewell of CORE Performance Company takes place on the corner of Franklin and Milam streets in the Old Market Square Historic District.

The work approaches the obvious differences and similarities between people of different cultures, as well as the meeting points that bind and connect poeple. The American Corner will exist in a larger body of "corners" created by Manifeste that include Toulouse, Casablanca and Havana.

Bringing contemporary dance to public spaces, Association Manifeste offers a unique opportunity to re-examine what we see and share. The street corner is a unique metaphor for life: What you see and how you see it depends on where you're standing. Point of view on the street corner is an evolving piece that invites spectators to travel from one corner of the world to another. Through the unique choreography and the "street corner" stage setting, audiences will bear witness to two distinct realities — one French, the other American — different visions of humanity where men and women continue to dance.



Market Square Park
301 Milam St.
Houston, TX 77002


Admission is free.
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