In this ingenious production by Taiwan's The Puppet & Its Double Theater, The Selfish Giant brings to life Oscar Wilde's story of a selfish giant who learns about the true meaning of friendship and generosity through the innocence of children. Through puppets large and small - from a tiny toy to a huge automaton of the giant - this tale combines captivating storytelling, visuals, live music, and a cast to create an experience for audiences of all ages. The program will be presented in English.
In this ingenious production by Taiwan's The Puppet & Its Double Theater, The Selfish Giant brings to life Oscar Wilde's story of a selfish giant who learns about the true meaning of friendship and generosity through the innocence of children. Through puppets large and small - from a tiny toy to a huge automaton of the giant - this tale combines captivating storytelling, visuals, live music, and a cast to create an experience for audiences of all ages. The program will be presented in English.