In the summer of 1969, amidst the background of the Apollo 11 moon landing and the civil rights movement, an immigrant Indian family made their way across the United States. During a chance visit to a small Midwestern town, they unexpectedly found themselves on the doorstep of Neil Armstrong's childhood home.
One Small Visit tells the incredible true story of Anisha Abrahams and her parents as they realize the power of human connection, kindness, and shared humanity.
Asia Society Texas will host a screening of the short film One Small Visit, awarded "Best Foreign Film" at the LA Shorts International Film Festival 2022 — followed by an in-person discussion with filmmaker and director Jo Chim, joined virtually by producer Morgan Davidoff.
In the summer of 1969, amidst the background of the Apollo 11 moon landing and the civil rights movement, an immigrant Indian family made their way across the United States. During a chance visit to a small Midwestern town, they unexpectedly found themselves on the doorstep of Neil Armstrong's childhood home.
One Small Visit tells the incredible true story of Anisha Abrahams and her parents as they realize the power of human connection, kindness, and shared humanity.
Asia Society Texas will host a screening of the short film One Small Visit, awarded "Best Foreign Film" at the LA Shorts International Film Festival 2022 — followed by an in-person discussion with filmmaker and director Jo Chim, joined virtually by producer Morgan Davidoff.