The evening will feature special guest Sunil T presenting a comedy skit and chatting in a live Q&A interview with KHOU News anchor Lily Jang. Sunil Thakkar is active in the Houston Indian and Hindu community, and is CEO, founder and on-air rush-hour DJ at Masala Radio.
Resident Leo Bar chef Rishi Singh of Boheme Cafe and Wine Bar will serve an Asian-fusion comfort food tasting menu, complimentary for Asia Society Texas Center members. A cash bar will be available.
Sunil T will be available to take photos with fans and sign autographs. Registered ticket holders are also invited to enjoy free admission to the Sarofim Gallery, which features the exhibition Transcendent Deities of India: The Everyday Occurrence of the Divine (on view May 2 to Sept. 14).
Guests will also enjoy music by DJ Scoop (UzAzi Productions).
This Leo Bar is presented by Asia Society Texas Center Young Professionals in partnership with BNY Mellon's Impact Affinity Group, Boheme Cafe and Wine Bar and Zulu Creative.