Raised In The Wild: Memories of a Bad Unicorn is a multimedia installation curated by Y. E. Torres and Erin Joyce. The exhibition is part of an on-going series of works featuring The Bad Unicorn and a rotating cast of half-real and half-fictional characters that dance, play music and generally cause trouble around Houston.
Raised In The Wild will explore the dark mystical origins of The Bad Unicorn through various works that embody aesthetic canons from the span of art history and archetypes from spiritual traditions from around the world. The installation will include portrait photographs from the early days of cameras, portrait paintings, Unicorn idols, an installation of one thousand Unicorns, a seemingly white bunny rabbit from Pasadena and more.
Inspired by the deviant, sensual nature of human emotion, The Bad Unicorn is a tale that follows the meeting and adventures of Unicorn and Bunny. Conceived by Y. E. Torres, The Bad Unicorn intends to touch on affairs of humanity that activate the hidden pleasures that people may overlook and aspects of the unconscious related to seduction and control.
The exhibition will be on view hrough Nov. 25.