Perhaps one of the most well-known plays of all time, The Glass Menageriehas stolen the hearts of millions worldwide. The story revolves around Amanda Wingfield, a tough-as-nails single mother in 1930s St. Louis, and her young adult children, Tom and Laura. The latter is a mentally fragile and physically frail women who, much to her mother’s dismay, is unmarried and unconcerned about that fact. When Tom sets up an evening with a “gentleman caller,” a work friend of his and former classmate of Laura’s, Amanda overbearingly prepares her family for what she believes will be a turning point for them all.
Perhaps one of the most well-known plays of all time, The Glass Menageriehas stolen the hearts of millions worldwide. The story revolves around Amanda Wingfield, a tough-as-nails single mother in 1930s St. Louis, and her young adult children, Tom and Laura. The latter is a mentally fragile and physically frail women who, much to her mother’s dismay, is unmarried and unconcerned about that fact. When Tom sets up an evening with a “gentleman caller,” a work friend of his and former classmate of Laura’s, Amanda overbearingly prepares her family for what she believes will be a turning point for them all.