Ruthless! The Musical humorously gives a glimpse into the competitive nature of show business. The dark comedy follows the journey of the talented and overtly-ambitious Tina Denmark, who would do anything to the play the leading role in her third grade musical, even if it means murder. Her mother, Judy Denmark, discovers her own untapped talent, realizes shocking family connections, and proves to be much more than an ordinary housewife.
Featuring a book and lyrics by Joel Paley and music by Marvin Laird, Ruthless! The Musical is full of Broadway spoof, twists and turns, and ridiculous conventions. Isabel Alexander and Carrigan Moon will portray Tina Denmark on alternating nights.
Due to language and violence, parental discretion is advised.
Ruthless! The Musical humorously gives a glimpse into the competitive nature of show business. The dark comedy follows the journey of the talented and overtly-ambitious Tina Denmark, who would do anything to the play the leading role in her third grade musical, even if it means murder. Her mother, Judy Denmark, discovers her own untapped talent, realizes shocking family connections, and proves to be much more than an ordinary housewife.
Featuring a book and lyrics by Joel Paley and music by Marvin Laird, Ruthless! The Musical is full of Broadway spoof, twists and turns, and ridiculous conventions. Isabel Alexander and Carrigan Moon will portray Tina Denmark on alternating nights.
Due to language and violence, parental discretion is advised.