"Mostly Water, Some Rock," like Larry Garmezy’s previous solo shows, is shaped by his early adventures as a geologist. Through this filter he observes and captures the unique and subtle patterns and textures hidden in the details of nature’s recesses. "Mostly Water, Some Rock" chronicles what he finds visually and intellectually intriguing in the natural world. Understanding the physical processes that create patterns in nature allows Garmezy to capture unusual impressions and abstractions of the visual landscape.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until April 2.
"Mostly Water, Some Rock," like Larry Garmezy’s previous solo shows, is shaped by his early adventures as a geologist. Through this filter he observes and captures the unique and subtle patterns and textures hidden in the details of nature’s recesses. "Mostly Water, Some Rock" chronicles what he finds visually and intellectually intriguing in the natural world. Understanding the physical processes that create patterns in nature allows Garmezy to capture unusual impressions and abstractions of the visual landscape.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until April 2.
"Mostly Water, Some Rock," like Larry Garmezy’s previous solo shows, is shaped by his early adventures as a geologist. Through this filter he observes and captures the unique and subtle patterns and textures hidden in the details of nature’s recesses. "Mostly Water, Some Rock" chronicles what he finds visually and intellectually intriguing in the natural world. Understanding the physical processes that create patterns in nature allows Garmezy to capture unusual impressions and abstractions of the visual landscape.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until April 2.