Hollywood, 1954. Black comedienne Doris Jean is performing at an after-hours club and catches the eye of producer Samuel Stahr. His TV show featuring a former radio star is floundering; Doris Jean may be just what The Eva Rose Show needs. Doris refuses to play a maid and is cast as one anyway. But the two women connect and make a delightful comedy duo. Still, how high can a talented Black woman rise in old black and white Hollywood?
The production, a new play by Houston author and former LA actor ShaWanna Renee Rivond, will be available to stream at any time between April 16 and May 16.
Hollywood, 1954. Black comedienne Doris Jean is performing at an after-hours club and catches the eye of producer Samuel Stahr. His TV show featuring a former radio star is floundering; Doris Jean may be just what The Eva Rose Show needs. Doris refuses to play a maid and is cast as one anyway. But the two women connect and make a delightful comedy duo. Still, how high can a talented Black woman rise in old black and white Hollywood?
The production, a new play by Houston author and former LA actor ShaWanna Renee Rivond, will be available to stream at any time between April 16 and May 16.
Hollywood, 1954. Black comedienne Doris Jean is performing at an after-hours club and catches the eye of producer Samuel Stahr. His TV show featuring a former radio star is floundering; Doris Jean may be just what The Eva Rose Show needs. Doris refuses to play a maid and is cast as one anyway. But the two women connect and make a delightful comedy duo. Still, how high can a talented Black woman rise in old black and white Hollywood?
The production, a new play by Houston author and former LA actor ShaWanna Renee Rivond, will be available to stream at any time between April 16 and May 16.