One of Strindberg’s best loved short stories is now available for English-speaking audiences to enjoy. A man is moving out of his apartment and makes one last check through the empty spaces to make sure nothing has been forgotten. By the telephone, he finds a small sheet of paper full of notes and scribblings that calls forth a flood of memories of the highs and lows of his two years living there. Perhaps no short story better encapsulates Tennyson’s maxim “’Tis better to have loved and lost / than never loved at all.”
Alley Resident Acting Company Member Chris Hutchison beautifully guides viewers through this poignant experience.
The production will be available to view at any time between January 22 and February 14.
One of Strindberg’s best loved short stories is now available for English-speaking audiences to enjoy. A man is moving out of his apartment and makes one last check through the empty spaces to make sure nothing has been forgotten. By the telephone, he finds a small sheet of paper full of notes and scribblings that calls forth a flood of memories of the highs and lows of his two years living there. Perhaps no short story better encapsulates Tennyson’s maxim “’Tis better to have loved and lost / than never loved at all.”
Alley Resident Acting Company Member Chris Hutchison beautifully guides viewers through this poignant experience.
The production will be available to view at any time between January 22 and February 14.
One of Strindberg’s best loved short stories is now available for English-speaking audiences to enjoy. A man is moving out of his apartment and makes one last check through the empty spaces to make sure nothing has been forgotten. By the telephone, he finds a small sheet of paper full of notes and scribblings that calls forth a flood of memories of the highs and lows of his two years living there. Perhaps no short story better encapsulates Tennyson’s maxim “’Tis better to have loved and lost / than never loved at all.”
Alley Resident Acting Company Member Chris Hutchison beautifully guides viewers through this poignant experience.
The production will be available to view at any time between January 22 and February 14.