Freaky Friday, a new musical based on the celebrated novel by Mary Rodgers and hit Walt Disney films, is a hilarious, contemporary update of an American classic that follows an overworked mother and teenage daughter on a wild journey after magically swapping bodies. The musical, with book by Bridget Carpenter and score by the Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning team of Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey, is a sure-fire hit for the whole family.
Freaky Friday, a new musical based on the celebrated novel by Mary Rodgers and hit Walt Disney films, is a hilarious, contemporary update of an American classic that follows an overworked mother and teenage daughter on a wild journey after magically swapping bodies. The musical, with book by Bridget Carpenter and score by the Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning team of Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey, is a sure-fire hit for the whole family.
Freaky Friday, a new musical based on the celebrated novel by Mary Rodgers and hit Walt Disney films, is a hilarious, contemporary update of an American classic that follows an overworked mother and teenage daughter on a wild journey after magically swapping bodies. The musical, with book by Bridget Carpenter and score by the Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning team of Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey, is a sure-fire hit for the whole family.