This expressive documentary explores the phenomenon of Tequila and Mezcal, the fastest trending alcohol spirits in the world. This journey takes us to the world’s most bio-diverse landscape of the agave plant, Mexico; here families have been passing down the tradition of distilling agave for generations, even at times clandestinely. From the alluring red highlands of Jalisco to the rugged mountains of Oaxaca, the film follows three producers - Carlos, Graciela, and Aquilino in a burgeoning renaissance. From bootstrap ambition to carrying on a father’s legacy, their successes and sacrifices unfurl in this interweaved story.
This expressive documentary explores the phenomenon of Tequila and Mezcal, the fastest trending alcohol spirits in the world. This journey takes us to the world’s most bio-diverse landscape of the agave plant, Mexico; here families have been passing down the tradition of distilling agave for generations, even at times clandestinely. From the alluring red highlands of Jalisco to the rugged mountains of Oaxaca, the film follows three producers - Carlos, Graciela, and Aquilino in a burgeoning renaissance. From bootstrap ambition to carrying on a father’s legacy, their successes and sacrifices unfurl in this interweaved story.
This expressive documentary explores the phenomenon of Tequila and Mezcal, the fastest trending alcohol spirits in the world. This journey takes us to the world’s most bio-diverse landscape of the agave plant, Mexico; here families have been passing down the tradition of distilling agave for generations, even at times clandestinely. From the alluring red highlands of Jalisco to the rugged mountains of Oaxaca, the film follows three producers - Carlos, Graciela, and Aquilino in a burgeoning renaissance. From bootstrap ambition to carrying on a father’s legacy, their successes and sacrifices unfurl in this interweaved story.