The Addicts Comedy Tour is a new stand-up show about overcoming life challenges with laughter and strength. Drawing upon their shared friendship and experiences around often persistent addictions, nationally headlining and most in-demand recovery comedians Mark Lundholm and Kurtis Matthews finally tour together to share colorful stories about life, love, jail and rehab, and keep the audience laughing along the way.
The Addicts Comedy Tour is a new stand-up show about overcoming life challenges with laughter and strength. Drawing upon their shared friendship and experiences around often persistent addictions, nationally headlining and most in-demand recovery comedians Mark Lundholm and Kurtis Matthews finally tour together to share colorful stories about life, love, jail and rehab, and keep the audience laughing along the way.
The Addicts Comedy Tour is a new stand-up show about overcoming life challenges with laughter and strength. Drawing upon their shared friendship and experiences around often persistent addictions, nationally headlining and most in-demand recovery comedians Mark Lundholm and Kurtis Matthews finally tour together to share colorful stories about life, love, jail and rehab, and keep the audience laughing along the way.