Performance poet Outspoken Bean will be writing a poem in five minutes, incorporating three words provided to him by visitors. Outspoken Bean will perform the poem, which can be filmed and will be available for purchase. Visitors who purchase the framed poem will be treated to a 15 percent discount on any original works of art in Marsha Glickman’s studio.
The event will take place in Studio #A-8 at Winter Street Studios.
Performance poet Outspoken Bean will be writing a poem in five minutes, incorporating three words provided to him by visitors. Outspoken Bean will perform the poem, which can be filmed and will be available for purchase. Visitors who purchase the framed poem will be treated to a 15 percent discount on any original works of art in Marsha Glickman’s studio.
The event will take place in Studio #A-8 at Winter Street Studios.
Performance poet Outspoken Bean will be writing a poem in five minutes, incorporating three words provided to him by visitors. Outspoken Bean will perform the poem, which can be filmed and will be available for purchase. Visitors who purchase the framed poem will be treated to a 15 percent discount on any original works of art in Marsha Glickman’s studio.
The event will take place in Studio #A-8 at Winter Street Studios.