Reckless begins with its central character, Rachel, at home on an idyllic Christmas Eve, brimming with the joy of the season. A split second later, in fear for her life, she must escape through her bedroom window into the wintry night. What follows is Rachel’s hilarious journey from terror and insanity to love and acceptance on another, far-away Christmas Eve.
Along the way, she meets Lloyd and Pooty Bophtelophti, a couple with almost as many secrets as she has, the host of the inane talk show Your Mother or Your Wife!, an embezzling murderer, and a succession of psychiatrists (who may or may not help her.)
Reckless begins with its central character, Rachel, at home on an idyllic Christmas Eve, brimming with the joy of the season. A split second later, in fear for her life, she must escape through her bedroom window into the wintry night. What follows is Rachel’s hilarious journey from terror and insanity to love and acceptance on another, far-away Christmas Eve.
Along the way, she meets Lloyd and Pooty Bophtelophti, a couple with almost as many secrets as she has, the host of the inane talk show Your Mother or Your Wife!, an embezzling murderer, and a succession of psychiatrists (who may or may not help her.)
Reckless begins with its central character, Rachel, at home on an idyllic Christmas Eve, brimming with the joy of the season. A split second later, in fear for her life, she must escape through her bedroom window into the wintry night. What follows is Rachel’s hilarious journey from terror and insanity to love and acceptance on another, far-away Christmas Eve.
Along the way, she meets Lloyd and Pooty Bophtelophti, a couple with almost as many secrets as she has, the host of the inane talk show Your Mother or Your Wife!, an embezzling murderer, and a succession of psychiatrists (who may or may not help her.)