Fake News tells the story of Sir Peter Teazle, who has recently married a young wife from the country. Instead of acting as Sir Peter hopes, Lady Teazle falls in with a group of vicious gossips, headed by Lady Sneerwell and including the young, handsome Joseph Surface. An array of colorful characters join in the ensuing fray, asking us all to consider the role that gossip and news, fake and true, play in our lives.
Fake News tells the story of Sir Peter Teazle, who has recently married a young wife from the country. Instead of acting as Sir Peter hopes, Lady Teazle falls in with a group of vicious gossips, headed by Lady Sneerwell and including the young, handsome Joseph Surface. An array of colorful characters join in the ensuing fray, asking us all to consider the role that gossip and news, fake and true, play in our lives.
Fake News tells the story of Sir Peter Teazle, who has recently married a young wife from the country. Instead of acting as Sir Peter hopes, Lady Teazle falls in with a group of vicious gossips, headed by Lady Sneerwell and including the young, handsome Joseph Surface. An array of colorful characters join in the ensuing fray, asking us all to consider the role that gossip and news, fake and true, play in our lives.