Remember, by critically acclaimed director Atom Egoyan, tells the story of Zev Guttman (Christopher Plummer), a 90-year-old struggling with memory loss. Following his wife’s death, Zev receives a surprising package from his close friend Max.
Zev and Max are survivors of Auschwitz, and the same sadistic guard murdered both of their families – a guard who lives in the U.S. under an assumed identity. With Max’s guidance, Zev embarks on a journey to settle the score with the man who destroyed both their lives. Also starring Dean Morris (Breaking Bad).
Directed by Atom Egoyan, Canada/Germany, 2015, 95 min. English, German with English subtitles. Houston Premiere. Thriller.
Remember, by critically acclaimed director Atom Egoyan, tells the story of Zev Guttman (Christopher Plummer), a 90-year-old struggling with memory loss. Following his wife’s death, Zev receives a surprising package from his close friend Max.
Zev and Max are survivors of Auschwitz, and the same sadistic guard murdered both of their families – a guard who lives in the U.S. under an assumed identity. With Max’s guidance, Zev embarks on a journey to settle the score with the man who destroyed both their lives. Also starring Dean Morris (Breaking Bad).
Directed by Atom Egoyan, Canada/Germany, 2015, 95 min. English, German with English subtitles. Houston Premiere. Thriller.
Remember, by critically acclaimed director Atom Egoyan, tells the story of Zev Guttman (Christopher Plummer), a 90-year-old struggling with memory loss. Following his wife’s death, Zev receives a surprising package from his close friend Max.
Zev and Max are survivors of Auschwitz, and the same sadistic guard murdered both of their families – a guard who lives in the U.S. under an assumed identity. With Max’s guidance, Zev embarks on a journey to settle the score with the man who destroyed both their lives. Also starring Dean Morris (Breaking Bad).
Directed by Atom Egoyan, Canada/Germany, 2015, 95 min. English, German with English subtitles. Houston Premiere. Thriller.