This 19th-century American adventure story illuminates the extraordinary life and artistic career of Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1897), a Sephardic Jew from Charleston, South Carolina whose family founded the first Reform congregation in the U.S. Portrait artist Carvalho accompanied famed explorer Colonel John Fremont on his 1853 expedition.
Traveling alongside pioneers, Native Americans and Mormons, Carvalho produced beautiful art: daguerreotypes that became the lens through which the world experienced the American West. Carvalho’s experience as a Jew on the western trail was unprecedented.
Directed by Steve Rivo, USA, 2015, 85 min. English. Houston Premiere. Documentary.
This 19th-century American adventure story illuminates the extraordinary life and artistic career of Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1897), a Sephardic Jew from Charleston, South Carolina whose family founded the first Reform congregation in the U.S. Portrait artist Carvalho accompanied famed explorer Colonel John Fremont on his 1853 expedition.
Traveling alongside pioneers, Native Americans and Mormons, Carvalho produced beautiful art: daguerreotypes that became the lens through which the world experienced the American West. Carvalho’s experience as a Jew on the western trail was unprecedented.
Directed by Steve Rivo, USA, 2015, 85 min. English. Houston Premiere. Documentary.
This 19th-century American adventure story illuminates the extraordinary life and artistic career of Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1897), a Sephardic Jew from Charleston, South Carolina whose family founded the first Reform congregation in the U.S. Portrait artist Carvalho accompanied famed explorer Colonel John Fremont on his 1853 expedition.
Traveling alongside pioneers, Native Americans and Mormons, Carvalho produced beautiful art: daguerreotypes that became the lens through which the world experienced the American West. Carvalho’s experience as a Jew on the western trail was unprecedented.
Directed by Steve Rivo, USA, 2015, 85 min. English. Houston Premiere. Documentary.