Paris to Pittsburgh is a 2018 documentary film about climate change directed by National Geographic filmmaker Sidney Beaumont and documentarian Michael Bonfiglio and produced by Bloomberg Philanthropies, National Geographic and RadicalMedia.
The film, narrated by Rachel Brosnahan, goes from coastal cities to America’s heartland, celebrating how Americans are demanding and developing real solutions in the face of climate change. And as the weather grows more deadly and destructive, they aren’t waiting on Washington to act.
Paris to Pittsburgh is a 2018 documentary film about climate change directed by National Geographic filmmaker Sidney Beaumont and documentarian Michael Bonfiglio and produced by Bloomberg Philanthropies, National Geographic and RadicalMedia.
The film, narrated by Rachel Brosnahan, goes from coastal cities to America’s heartland, celebrating how Americans are demanding and developing real solutions in the face of climate change. And as the weather grows more deadly and destructive, they aren’t waiting on Washington to act.
Paris to Pittsburgh is a 2018 documentary film about climate change directed by National Geographic filmmaker Sidney Beaumont and documentarian Michael Bonfiglio and produced by Bloomberg Philanthropies, National Geographic and RadicalMedia.
The film, narrated by Rachel Brosnahan, goes from coastal cities to America’s heartland, celebrating how Americans are demanding and developing real solutions in the face of climate change. And as the weather grows more deadly and destructive, they aren’t waiting on Washington to act.