Making its world premiere at Sundance and based on an Emmy Award-winning short film of the same name, Notes on Blindness is a thought-provoking documentary exploring the loss of sight, brilliantly framed within the personal story of theologian and writer John Hull.
As Hull began to lose his sight shortly after the birth of his first son, he made a series of audio recordings of his experience. Melding classic documentary elements with cinematic reenactments, Notes on Blindness uses a naturalistic, expressive tone and immersive imagery to bring Hull’s philosophical introspection to life. A dignified and evocative documentary that boldly addresses the dearth of films on blindness and disability, this is an extraordinary record of one man’s sense of loss that is both cerebral and deeply heartfelt.
Making its world premiere at Sundance and based on an Emmy Award-winning short film of the same name, Notes on Blindness is a thought-provoking documentary exploring the loss of sight, brilliantly framed within the personal story of theologian and writer John Hull.
As Hull began to lose his sight shortly after the birth of his first son, he made a series of audio recordings of his experience. Melding classic documentary elements with cinematic reenactments, Notes on Blindness uses a naturalistic, expressive tone and immersive imagery to bring Hull’s philosophical introspection to life. A dignified and evocative documentary that boldly addresses the dearth of films on blindness and disability, this is an extraordinary record of one man’s sense of loss that is both cerebral and deeply heartfelt.
Making its world premiere at Sundance and based on an Emmy Award-winning short film of the same name, Notes on Blindness is a thought-provoking documentary exploring the loss of sight, brilliantly framed within the personal story of theologian and writer John Hull.
As Hull began to lose his sight shortly after the birth of his first son, he made a series of audio recordings of his experience. Melding classic documentary elements with cinematic reenactments, Notes on Blindness uses a naturalistic, expressive tone and immersive imagery to bring Hull’s philosophical introspection to life. A dignified and evocative documentary that boldly addresses the dearth of films on blindness and disability, this is an extraordinary record of one man’s sense of loss that is both cerebral and deeply heartfelt.