Hare Krishna! follows the true story of an unexpected, prolific, and controversial revolutionary. Using never-before-seen archival verite, Prabhupada’s own recorded words, and interviews with his early followers, the film takes the audience behind-the-scenes of a cultural movement born in the artistic and intellectual scene of New York’s Bowery, the hippie mecca of Haight Ashbury, and the Beatlemania of London to meet the Swami who started it all.
Each screening starts with a 10-minute Kirtan (a call and response chanting with music instruments) by Krishna devotees.
Hare Krishna! follows the true story of an unexpected, prolific, and controversial revolutionary. Using never-before-seen archival verite, Prabhupada’s own recorded words, and interviews with his early followers, the film takes the audience behind-the-scenes of a cultural movement born in the artistic and intellectual scene of New York’s Bowery, the hippie mecca of Haight Ashbury, and the Beatlemania of London to meet the Swami who started it all.
Each screening starts with a 10-minute Kirtan (a call and response chanting with music instruments) by Krishna devotees.
Hare Krishna! follows the true story of an unexpected, prolific, and controversial revolutionary. Using never-before-seen archival verite, Prabhupada’s own recorded words, and interviews with his early followers, the film takes the audience behind-the-scenes of a cultural movement born in the artistic and intellectual scene of New York’s Bowery, the hippie mecca of Haight Ashbury, and the Beatlemania of London to meet the Swami who started it all.
Each screening starts with a 10-minute Kirtan (a call and response chanting with music instruments) by Krishna devotees.