This sensitive debut film, an intimate portrait of two young men in rural Alabama, offers a refreshingly direct approach to documentary that fills in the gaps between individual black male icons. Daniel Collins attends college in search of opportunity while Quincy Bryant becomes a father to an energetic son. The men’s individual experiences of the quotidian and sublime aspects of life are contrasted with the larger community.
Hale County This Morning, This Evening leaves an emotive impression of a contemporary Southern town. The film won Best Documentary at the 2018 Gotham Awards, and filmmaker RaMell Ross earned a Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival.
This sensitive debut film, an intimate portrait of two young men in rural Alabama, offers a refreshingly direct approach to documentary that fills in the gaps between individual black male icons. Daniel Collins attends college in search of opportunity while Quincy Bryant becomes a father to an energetic son. The men’s individual experiences of the quotidian and sublime aspects of life are contrasted with the larger community.
Hale County This Morning, This Evening leaves an emotive impression of a contemporary Southern town. The film won Best Documentary at the 2018 Gotham Awards, and filmmaker RaMell Ross earned a Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival.
This sensitive debut film, an intimate portrait of two young men in rural Alabama, offers a refreshingly direct approach to documentary that fills in the gaps between individual black male icons. Daniel Collins attends college in search of opportunity while Quincy Bryant becomes a father to an energetic son. The men’s individual experiences of the quotidian and sublime aspects of life are contrasted with the larger community.
Hale County This Morning, This Evening leaves an emotive impression of a contemporary Southern town. The film won Best Documentary at the 2018 Gotham Awards, and filmmaker RaMell Ross earned a Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival.