100 Boats tells the remarkable story of a group of volunteers who set up an emergency relief center to rescue stranded residents from their flooded homes during 2017’s Hurricane Harvey. Through personal accounts, filmmaker Syed Hasan shows the devastation caused by this monster storm and highlights the heroes who risked their lives to save their city.
100 Boats also follows the rebuilding of Houston one year later and highlights a man in Rosharon, Texas who, with a team of volunteers, helped rebuild twenty-two homes in his own community.
100 Boats tells the remarkable story of a group of volunteers who set up an emergency relief center to rescue stranded residents from their flooded homes during 2017’s Hurricane Harvey. Through personal accounts, filmmaker Syed Hasan shows the devastation caused by this monster storm and highlights the heroes who risked their lives to save their city.
100 Boats also follows the rebuilding of Houston one year later and highlights a man in Rosharon, Texas who, with a team of volunteers, helped rebuild twenty-two homes in his own community.
100 Boats tells the remarkable story of a group of volunteers who set up an emergency relief center to rescue stranded residents from their flooded homes during 2017’s Hurricane Harvey. Through personal accounts, filmmaker Syed Hasan shows the devastation caused by this monster storm and highlights the heroes who risked their lives to save their city.
100 Boats also follows the rebuilding of Houston one year later and highlights a man in Rosharon, Texas who, with a team of volunteers, helped rebuild twenty-two homes in his own community.