Photo courtesy of West Houston Assistance Ministries
West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM)

In the name of Christ, West Houston Assistance Ministries serves those who come to them for help regardless of their background, belief, or circumstance. They offer short-term social services to people in crisis, that fulfill basic needs like food and clothing, and financial aid to prevent eviction and homelessness or the discontinuation of critical services like water, gas and electricity. They also provide access to mental health counseling, and education and employment resources to lift people out of poverty and promote their economic independence. Together with their other services like disaster relief and seasonal programs, like Back to School or Holiday Meals and Toys, their offerings contribute to achieving their underlying goals: alleviating poverty, building a thriving and healthy community, and giving hope to the hopeless.

West Houston Assistance Ministries encourages giving back to the community through time, talent, or treasure. Every year they help thousands of people in need, and they are only able to accomplish this thanks to the help of hundreds of volunteers and donors. To learn more about volunteer opportunities or sign up to be a volunteer, visit To support them with a gift that allows them to give a helping hand to the homeless and those who are struggling with crisis and feeling hopeless, visit To learn more about their work, or have them speak to a community group, association, or congregation, email

Every year, West Houston Assistance Ministries' annual luncheon takes place in the fall, bringing together community, leaders and friends together to listen to an uplifting and inspiring keynote speaker and to honor volunteers who have selflessly served those in need through their programs, and an individual or organization who by their exemplary service and efforts are building up and making our community a better place to live. They also hold an annual Spring Dash, a timed 5K 1K that participants can choose to walk or run, proceeds from which go to operating their programs to help those in need.


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