The Salvation Army of Greater Houston Facebook
The Salvation Army of Greater Houston

The Salvation Army's mission is to meet human needs in God's name without discrimination.

You can get involved by volunteering or becoming a donor to support programs and services.

The Salvations Army’s signature events include the annual Angel Tree and Red Kettle Campaigns, which help support its Community Care Centers.

The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary produces the annual Reflections on Style and Chic Boutique pop-up sale. All proceeds are used to support The Salvation Army’s year-round programs and services, including supportive shelter and housing programs, youth programs, rehabilitation, and more.

The Salvation Army’s annual luncheon, traditionally occurring in the fall, highlights the work of The Salvation Army and salutes clients, key volunteers, and supporters that help programs day in and day out.

The Christmas in July 5K is fun for the whole family and provides a safe environment for kiddos and parents to enjoy the holiday spirit in the heat of the summer.

Finally, The Salvation Army celebrates the work of its youth of the year participants with a scholarship awards dinner where $100,000 in college scholarships is awarded to 30-50 children each year.

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