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The Get Together, Inc.

The Get Together connects business people to 18 local nonprofits so that they can use their business expertise, skills, and network to make a collective impact, all over a 90-minute lunch.

Share what you know and use your business expertise, skills, and network to collaborate with other like-minded business people to make a collective impact in Houston by attending a Network with Purpose lunch. Tip: Don't bring your checkbook, because the group doesn't actually raise money for nonprofits. 

The monthly Network with Purpose Lunches are designed to connect like-minded business people to local, vetted nonprofits so that collaboration can occur over lunch. They don't raise money for nonprofits; instead, they encourage attendees to engage their networks and utilize their business expertise to help nonprofits with their most pressing needs. It's the most efficient 90 minutes of your work week.

There are no membership fees, but lunches require an RSVP and cost $12 in advance, $15 at the door.

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