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Indstri Inc.

Indstri Inc.'s mission is to enrich the experience of hospitality professionals everywhere through camaraderie, education, community service, and charitable aid. It also provides staffing for certain applicants planning special events for special causes (i.e. 90th birthday parties, community events, etc.) at deeply discounted and at times complimentary rates as part of the mission to service the underprivileged community.

There are three main methods: sponsorship, membership, and donation. Businesses, particularly hospitality-oriented businesses, are the group's main sponsors.

Donation is the life blood for most nonprofits, and it is an important factor for Indstri as well. Donations through Facebook, Instagram, Pay Pal, and the like are all welcome.

Membership is arguably the most important way to get involved, but it's also the most difficult. Personal sacrifice in the service of others in the hospitality profession is one of the cornerstones of Indstri. As such, a certain number of hours volunteered toward the mission is mandatory for every member, including the leadership of the organization.

There are two annual events. The first is Last Call which marks the end of the summer season and the beginning of the event season in the fall. The second marks one of the founder's birthdays in March, which also coincides with the birth of the organization.

Along with a somewhat extensive membership process, there are monthly dues for each member. These dues support the programs of the organization. Being a paying member entitles an individual to vote on who receives aid from Indstri and how much. Member voice is the other cornerstone of Indstri Inc.

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