Coalition for the Homeless of Houston Facebook
Coalition for the Homeless of Houston Harris County

The mission of Coalition for the Homeless is to lead in the development, advocacy, and coordination of community strategies to prevent and end homelessness.

The Coalition believes that we all can create a community where homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. They work toward this goal by creating strong public/private partnerships, driving collaboration among stakeholders, using data to guide their strategy, and educating the public on homelessness and its solutions. 

For every $1 the Coalition receives in private funding, they bring more than $37 in new public funding into the Houston region to implement homelessness solutions.

Under the Coalition’s leadership, since 2011 there has been a 54 percent decrease in overall homelessness in the Houston region. Since 2012, more than 20,000 people have been housed by The Way Home, with 85 percent of people remaining housed over the long-term.

Donate to the Coalition for the Homeless or become a monthly donor here.

Become a sponsor for special events or invite the Coalition to speak or provide educational materials at your next civic, community, or faith event:by contacting

Follow the Volunteer Houston page and join the email list.

The Coalition for the Homeless is proud to commemorate World Homeless Day each October. The event, which started 10 years ago, continues to build year after year. For more information on upcoming events, please follow the event page.

There are no costs of membership to join the CoC; if you would like more information on how to get involved or join The Way Home, please contact Caybryn Southern at

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