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Bo's Place

Bo's Place enhances the lives of those who have experienced the death of a loved one. A non-profit, free-of-charge bereavement center, Bo's Place offers multiple grief support services for adults, children, and families, and provides education and resources for those who assist people in grief. It operates on the belief that it is helpful and healing for grieving children and adults to share their stories, memories, experiences, thoughts, and feelings with those who can understand their journey. Bo's Place services include support groups, professional workships and training, and an information and referral line.

Volunteer opportunities at Bo's Place range from support group facilitator to kitchen volunteer to teen playground monitor to quilt volunteer. For more information and a full list of ways to get involved, head here.


Bo's Place's signature fundraising event, the annual Hearts of Hope luncheon, always features an inspiring program with a star guest speaker. Proceeds go toward Bo's Place programs.

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