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Recenter is a 70-year-old nonprofit that provides programs and services to help predominantly homeless individuals recover from the diseases of alcoholism and drug addiction in order to lead more productive lives. They are located in eight residential buildings on two Midtown blocks near Main and Alabama, serving over 250,000 individuals since inception.

Recenter offers clean, safe housing and healthy meals so that people can begin a life-long healing process. It is one of very few centers that will admit chronically homeless individuals who suffer from chemical dependency and often lifelong co-occurring mental illness. When homeless and non-homeless addicted individuals walk through their doors, they require more time to heal than what is provided by a typical treatment program of 30 days or less — there is no time limit on how long the individual can stay. For many, Recenter is their last hope.

Volunteers are appreciated to assist with bringing resources to Recenter. This can be done by calling 713-524-3682 or emailing info@recenterhouston.com for more information on volunteer and donation opportunities.
