Science & Engineering Fair of Houston Facebook
Science & Engineering Fair of Houston

The Science and Engineering Fair of Houston (SEFH) provides a unique and beneficial science educational service to junior and senior high school students in grades 7-12 in Harris County and 22 surrounding counties. Major regional fair winners are eligible to compete in the annual International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

Through the development and presentation of science/engineering projects, students enhance the following abilities:

  • Making observations
  • Asking questions regarding particular phenomena or situations
  • Formulating ideas and procedures for the solution of a problem
  • Using complex and/or analytical reasoning skills to find an answer or a solution to a problem
  • Effectively presenting their works to society

SEFH strongly believes in the importance of students learning how to apply their math and science knowledge beyond the classroom. The educational activities sponsored by SEFH complement the rapidly growing demand for students with technical skills. In addition, SEFH also sponsors a Science & Engineering Writing Contest and a Technical Poster Design Contest.

More than 100 volunteers across a spectrum of activities are needed. Volunteers need no specific qualifications but should be comfortable interacting with students. The objective evaluation of projects by Place Awards Judges is the most important aspect of the fair and determines the distribution of cash prizes, awards, internships, and scholarships. A Place Award Judge must have at least a bachelor's degree. Judges may include university faculty and scientists, industrial engineers and scientists, representatives of private and federal research centers and agencies, medical researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and senior graduate students.

There are no membership fees to serve in any role of being involved with SEFH, however SEFH does collect a nominal entry fee of $35 from student participants.

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